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Logo Type
The logo type of Okcheon-gun is one of the important elements of the Okcheon-gun C.I system along with the symbol mark. These are composed of Hangeul (Korean script), the Chinese character, and English that were specially developed considering the readability along with the symbol mark and other design elements. When the logo types are used, the regulations for each item should be exactly applied.

Exclusively Used Font The exclusively used Hangeul font of Okcheon-gun was specified to be interrelated to the symbol
mark and logo types so that their equal images can be maintinaed.

This font should be extensively used for various main items that configure the Okcheon-gun C.I system, considering the
readibility and differentiations, and should not fail in forming the Okcheon-gun’s image.

When the character, which is not listed on this homepage, is required, the Okcheon county office should consult with the
associated C.I department to make and use the new character.

  • The exclusinve used Hangeul font of Okcheon is decided as pine needles B
  • Click the left image to view the enlarged image.

Okcheon-gun’s specified fonts of Hangeul and English are used for the texts of various formats, differently from the
exclusively used font. These are the fonts selected considering the harmony with the symbol mark and logo types.
Also, since these are the fonts with high readability, these fonts are used for the content and title that will be emphasized.

The examples can be used in the normal and italic, and also can be used in other fonts.

Click the left image to view the enlarged image.

Exclusively Used Color

The exclusively used color for Okcheon-gun is one of the important three elements of the Okcheon-gun C.I system along with the symbol mark and logo type. Since this color is used for the indicating color of the symbol mark and for various media such as prints, signs, it is very important in forming the county image.

    DIC 2496
    DIC 2561
    DIC 2597
    DIC 620
    DIC 621
  • Sub Color 1
    C45 Y40
  • Sub Color 2
    C25 M30
  • Sub Color 3
    M60 Y100
  • Sub Color 4
  • Sub Color 5
  • Sub Color 6
    C50 M40 Y40

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